Why this site

Gepubliceerd op 10 juni 2013 om 22:38

Dear Fans. Take some time to read this

I'm in daily contact with Amy Fan 樊 亦敏. I would like to welcome you on our fan & friendfacebook developed by Amy Fan & me. Click here

Please take a minute to read this:
As you all know, Gordon Liu has been hospitalized due to a stroke from which he's still recovering. There's a lot going on about his situation; financial, physical, emotional and spiritual. I felt the need to seek contact with Amy Fan, his legal guardian; in my humble opinion he could use loads of positivity from his fans and friends. I've met Gordon Liu in Amsterdam where he was our guest of honour at the Guo Shu Cup Competition. I was deeply touched by the fact that this great actor got terribly ill. So I made some suggestions to Amy Fan and she agreed with a new official website, an official facebook friendpage and a official Twitter account to update true and clear information about Gordon Liu. 
In summer 2013 I'll be going to Hong Kong with my family and by Amy's approval I'm able to visit Gordon Liu. So, if you sign the guestbook or send him a mail with your whishes and positive thoughts, I personally hand it over to Gordon Liu and it sure will make him smile!

Thank you.
Manlung Tang.  

As for this site, please be patience, we're working on it.

Manlung Tang

Geplaatst door Manlung Tang